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Rasical Desk、体験展示実施中!
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    Introduced by BEST HIT

    BEST HIT様でリカルマ紹介

    "BEST HIT", which is active with the goal of"making your life a little easier and happier"Rikaruma As a tote bag with luxury, lightness and convenience, our"Rikarma"is available. Thank you for your introduction!

    You can read the article that was introduced here !

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    Started accepting reservations for Smooth Tote.

    Rasical Japan LLC (Headquarters:Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto City, Representative employee:Itaru Sanada) is a convenient travel goods"Smooth Tote"that can store the contents of a suitcase while keeping it organized on the official website of Rasical. Pre-order sales started on July 24, 2019. As a reservation privilege, we will offer 15% off the list price.

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    GIZMODO posted Pitaros

    At Japan's largest technology information site"GIZMODO", I tried using"Pitaros", a minimal wallet for smartphones with ring and stand functions! As a result, we introduced our"Pitaros"!

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    DIGITAL DETOX JAPAN, Quest Watch Reviews

    DIGITAL DETOX JAPAN様、クエストウォッチレビュー
    A Reviews article of"Quest Watch" at"DIGITAL DETOX JAPAN", a site that aims to create an environment in Japan where anyone can easily do digital detox by gathering information and event information about digital detox in Japan and the world. has been published!

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