FairyNova ver.1 outlet offer 🍏
Today we would like to inform you about the outlet of the first generation FairyNova ver.1 jacket.
This is the official version of the original FairyNova ver.1. Since ver.2 has been released, it would be a waste to throw it away without using it, so we want as many people as possible to use it, such as those who couldn't buy it because it was expensive, so we will sell it as an outlet as long as it is in stock. We will offer you a reduced price.
Ver.2 has a heat generation function, and we have made many small improvements, but there were some people who wanted ver.1, so please consider it.
The size is slightly different from ver.2, so please refer to this page for details and consider ordering after you are satisfied.
The number is left in stock, so there are few. It's over as soon as it's gone. Immediate delivery is possible because it is in stock.
Thank you for your continued support!

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