Exceeded 9.5 million yen. Selecting materials for the inside of the unicorn!
To all of you who have supported us, and to all of you who are considering.
Today we selected the inner fabric of the unicorn. The color is almost the same as before, but we have changed to a stronger material to improve quality.
Although it is not exactly the same color, please understand that it is an improved version.
There are only 4 days left, but we have reached 9.5 million yen and will soon reach 10 million yen!
Thank you for all your support.
I feel like I can create products together with everyone, and I am having a lot of fun doing it.
Click here for the project site
Thank you for your continued support!
Rashical Sanada
Click here for the Twitter follow campaign!
We are also accepting support for nil wallet at the same time!

フェアリーノヴァ 2

GrowSpica Pro
