《Sustainable》 Recycle resource plastic! What kind of household waste is often overlooked?
Interest in sustainability is increasing all over the world, and the movement to eliminate plastics has become conspicuous even in environmental conservation.ルが高く感じます。
Therefore, this time we will introduce plastic waste that can be sorted and recycled at home.It is possible to contribute to environmental conservation by properly sorting and disposing of existing plastic products.が可能です。
What is sustainable
Sustainability means that it is sustainable Each and every person thinks about sustainable actions and technologies and considers to protect the global environment.ています。
Plastic is convenient and strong, and it is used in various places in our lives. It is a product that is often put awayい製品です。
Now let's take a closer look at how plastic affects the environment.。
The environmental impact of plastic waste
Here are some examples of how plastic waste that is not properly disposed of affects the environment:ます。
- destroy marine ecosystems
- Affecting industries such as fishing and tourism
- Possibility of danger to human body
I'll try to explain in detail
destroy marine ecosystems
Plastic is a material that cannot be decomposed naturally, and when it flows into the environment such as the sea, it is affected by waves and ultraviolet rays and becomes fine particles called microplastics.ります。
This microplastic drifts in the sea as marine plastic waste, and creatures such as birds and seal sea turtles mistakenly eat food and take it into their bodies, causing damage to the inside of their bodies and causing them to die.います。
Impact on industries such as fisheries and tourism
As in the previous example, marine plastic waste destroys the ecosystem, reducing the amount of catches in the fishery and aquaculture industries, entangles in fishing nets and prevents the capture of organisms that should have been caught, or damages the nets and makes them unusable. also include lossesられます。
In addition, many people avoid sightseeing in the plastic-contaminated sea, and the income from the tourism industry has decreased, resulting in a large economic loss.す。
In fact, in the Asia-Pacific region, plastic waste is estimated to cost the fisheries and aquaculture industries $360 million a year and the tourism industry to lose $620 million a year.ます。
Danger to human body
As mentioned earlier, marine products such as seafood with plastic waste remaining in the body are circulating as edible products, and it can be said that there is a risk that we, who eat them, will also take in microplastics into our bodies.ます。
what we can do?
One way to solve the problem of plastic waste is not to make or use plastic products, but I feel that the hurdles to suddenly eliminate all plastics from our lives are high.感じます。
Therefore, what we can do right now is to reduce plastic waste by properly understanding and sorting plastics.ょうか?
If you don't know how to dispose of it and throw it away as ordinary garbage, there are some items that can be recycled as recyclable garbage.があります。
Next, we will introduce garbage that can actually be separated at home.。
Unexpected recyclable garbage that can be separated at home
There are resource plastics that can be separated other than PET bottles and food plastic containers, so please refer to them.い。1 tangerine netト
Nets containing fruits such as mandarin oranges can be recycled as recyclable plastic containers and packaging.ます。
2 Bags of snacks, etc.袋
Bags of snack foods such as potato chips must be disposed of as burnable garbage if they are stained with oil.ん。
However, if you wash it thoroughly and remove the dirt, you can put it out as recyclable recyclable garbage.す。
3 cushioning material材
Plastic cushioning material bubble wrap is plastic waste that you can almost always see in home delivery services such as online shopping.製ゴミ。
Surprisingly, it can be put out as recyclable resource garbage like PET bottles.す。
4 Packs such as exterior類
The above example is a toothbrush, but the transparent plastic pack used for packaging can be collected as recyclable plastic. If there is paper such as a label, remove it and recycle the transparent cover.しましょう。
Many people may have thrown away the 4 types I introduced as burnable garbage until now.か。
Especially when I think about the time it takes to wash the outer packaging of snacks, I tend to just throw them away, but I think I can help protect the environment with just that little effort, so I'd like to do it without hesitation.ですね。
Products with a plastic mark even if they are dirty can basically be recycled as recyclable plastic, so wash them and put them out as recyclable garbage.しょう。
Radical related products

Eco bag that is light and can carry up to 25 kgグ」
It is a durable eco bag that can carry up to 25 kg even though it is light. It can also carry 10 L of water.す。

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