Unicorn has surpassed 9 million yen. Twitter follow campaign is also underway
Thank you all for your support!
With a lot of support, we finally exceeded 9 million yen.
The product is already in preparation for production, and we are waiting for the completion of production.
It is scheduled to be completed in April.
We received various opinions, but basically this time we will produce without changing the specifications.
So I'm sorry, but I think that the next opportunity will be an update in terms of functions that add something. (improve quality rather than function)
When we have a new upload product that incorporates everyone's opinions, we plan to offer it at a special preferential price to those who have purchased it so far.
There are still 5 days left, but thank you for your cooperation until the end!
Click here for the Twitter follow campaign!
We are also accepting support for nil wallet at the same time!

フェアリーノヴァ 2

GrowSpica Pro
