Will there be a bright future ahead of the spread of fair trade?
I am interested in the future society, so I participated in the DEMOCRATIC MARKET in MAKING OUR MARKET KYOTO 2016 held in Kyoto on January 16th and 17th.た。
〜Two weeks to think about everyone's market〜
Do you know that your shopping will solve someone's problems and lead to a healthy future? 2 weeksなで考える2 週間。
Why don't you think about future consumption using Kyoto city as a campus?んか?2016.1.16
→ 1.31
About the first day
1.16 sat. 18:00-
VenueKYOCA 3F HACOBAA「With Satomi Harada, CEO of Ethical Penelope Co., Ltd., at the beginning of a two-week period in which everyone thinks together about the ideal market that everyone wants, starting under the title of MAKING OUR MARKET KYOTO 2016.とみさんとKyoto City Institute of Social InnovationDirector Etsuka Omuro and Shounori Sakurai will be invited to discuss consumer civil society, the current economy that requires major changes, and the future landscape.います。
Session 18:00 20:00 Admission free費:無料
Exchange meeting 20:00 21:00 Participation fee 2000 yen Light meal 1 drink Reservation requiredリンク)※要予約
The content was to think about how to tackle social issues through methods such as fair trade through business about ethical and concrete approaches to fair trade.した。

※In this article, I write about what I thought and felt after participating in the event.ます。
what is fair trade?
Listening to the story this time, I personally felt that fair trade is just one of the means to succeed in business.た。
fair trade(Fair Trade : Fair trade is a movement that aims to improve the lives and independence of producers and workers in developing countries who are in a weak position through the continuous purchase of raw materials and products from developing countries at fair prices.である。
Quote source『Wikipedia』
I've been thinking a lot about contributing to society, but I'm still not sure if the gap between rich and poor can really disappear from society through the activities of fair trade.した。
If it means changing the supply chain and using socially friendly things, but if it means purchasing at a reasonable price listed on Wikipedia, the situation where it is not purchased at a reasonable price is not only in developing countries but also in the world. I think that it is held in various places inいます。
In my previous business, I purchased products and materials locally from China and sold them domestically.いえます。
I don't deny fair trade, but I think it's one of the countermeasures, but fair trade is a more fundamental change in the movement that aims to improve the lives and independence of producers and workers in developing countries who are in a weak position. I thought there might be another form different fromした。
Also, with the flow of the times, the use of technology is changing to a society where places and vehicle skills are shared.きています。

As shown in the figure, if you share things, each person will greatly reduce the number of things you own. You can intuitively understand that sharing will reduce the consumption of things and that the things in the world will not sell. When I look at it, there are certain things that make me thinkがあります。
So what I want to say is that in the end, the same disparities will arise even in fair trade.です。
Even if the term "fair trade" becomes so pervasive that it disappears, if the amount of goods sold by society as a whole decreases, even if the number of fair traders increases, prices will continue to fall and competition will be created. I feel that there is no escape from the current social structure and the disparity is widening.感じています。
I'm sure it's impossible to eliminate inequality in the current economic system.。
Contradictions in today's economy
I think what we should do to contribute to a sustainable society is to reduce consumption.す。

If you look up words such as minimalist and simple life in the keyword planner, the number of searches is gradually increasing, indicating that more people are interested in it.ます。
From the point of view of enriching society, even if it is not fair trade, there is already an abundance of goods, so choosing good things and using them for a long time can reduce the burden on the earth.ます。
However, from the point of view of living, we need money, so we cannot live without selling our products.とします。
Pursuing short-term profits makes it easier to earn money and enrich our lives, but in the long run, the unquantifiable burden of society will return to us in the future.きます。
We are consumers and producersです。
If we don't do something about this contradiction, I feel that society as a whole will become more and more blocked.す。
widening disparity
In a monetary economy, money is necessary, and competition and disparities are created over that money.題です。
『Growing gap between rich and poor The wealth of the top 62 people and the bottom 3.6 billion people are the same額』
Quote source『news picks』
It's hard to understand because society is so wide that you can't see the connections, but the world is definitely getting distorted.す。
Fair trade is only a temporary measure and the root of social problems should be differentす。
socially friendly behavior
To be honest, I don't know the correct answer because this answer is too complicated with various problems.ん。
But I will tell you one thing that anyone can do right away.す。
If you buy things, choose and buy at your own will。
We come across many goods and services through TV commercials and Internet advertisements, but this is one of the sales activities that companies do to sell.です。
It's fine as long as it's really good and you'll use it for a long time, but I don't have a strong attachment to things I bought because of sales or advertising, so I tend not to cherish many things that I don't use for a long time.あります。
A few years ago, I used to buy UNIQLO clothes because they were cheap on sale, but I only used part of them.でした。
If you look around the world, major companies are already providing good things, and wonderful things are overflowing.ます。
But they need money, so there are a lot of people who sell cheap cheap stuff just because they want to make money.ます。
Especially now, personal imports and resales are popular, and online shops such as Amazon and Rakuten are full of such things. People who are doing it are doing it for money and it is very normal as a businessて普通です。
But as a consumer, things change.す。
Now, as a consumer, I'm trying to reduce long-term spending and consumption by using as many products as I need, such as computers, Apple clothes, Patagonia shoes, MERRELL, etc., which are expensive but can be used for a long time. I try to repair and useに心がけています。
In other words, regardless of fair trade or the country of origin, buying only what you need as much as you need and using it for a long time.けになる。
Buying things that empathize with the company's thoughts will surely change the way you interact with things.す。
Consumption will drop and sales volume will decrease, but surely a new form of economy that fits the trend of the times will be created.です。

Anyway, I think that each person should think about the society of the future and change their awareness of consumption and society.ます。
The event this time is in Kyoto, but of course there are many events like this held outside of Kyoto, so if you are interested, please look for them and participate.さい。
I'm also looking into various things, so if anyone has a similar idea, let's talk.ょう。
Day 2 article→『How technology changes agriculture and food』

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