This is the status report for June.
Hello, this is Sanada from Rashical.
I didn't report much in June, but in fact, my neck got worse and I couldn't work properly.
During this period, I was thinking about the future in a state where I could not work much. Therefore, I would like to report some future directions this time.
1. About membership
I have decided to stop the membership service that I was told was scheduled to start in June.
Regarding this, we set it up so that it would be advantageous to pay monthly, but there were many opinions that no matter how cheap it was, it was unnecessary because it was unclear what would be delivered. I think it's best to have them buy it for each of them at times.
Narrowing down the category will narrow down the target and make it easier to deliver.
In addition, we will consider one-time recruitment such as Christmas gifts for plans to provide interesting products that are not found in Japan.
Also, if there is something interesting in the future, I will introduce it on YouTube etc.
2.About hand gel dispenser
This was also scheduled for June, but we have decided not to sell it here either. The main reason is that there weren't many people who wanted it.
3. About the future
Due to the influence of corona, the development of new products has been greatly delayed. In the future, we plan to focus on the planning and development of products that we have been working on for a long time, such as growth peak bags, mini cones, and relaxing trousers.
In addition, we plan to use our experience so far to provide brand support such as collaboration with Rasical and original customization for those who want to have their own brand or sell products. We will let you know when the service is ready.
Thank you for your continued support!
The eco-friendly bag that is currently being crowdfunded has achieved 5.7 million yen. Thank you all for your support!

フェアリーノヴァ 2

GrowSpica Pro
