Questionnaire about the page 📝
Hello everyone!
Thanks to you, it looks like it's going to break through 1000 soon.
If you purchase more than 1,000 copies, the price will be increased to 20%, so if you haven't yet, please consider purchasing as soon as possible.
Well, this time, it's about the survey I was telling you the other day.
I've created a questionnaire, so if you don't mind, I'd appreciate it if you could answer it here!
We would like to improve the site so that future orders can be processed smoothly.
The questionnaire also includes questions such as future directions, and if there is something you would like Rashical to be like, we would appreciate it if you could give us your opinion on that as well.
Thank you for your continued support!
Rashical Sanada

フェアリーノヴァ 2

GrowSpica Pro
